It was a bout 30°F, I set out on the trails I grew up riding on the high tension powerlines down the road. Those trails have gotten really bad over the years. Many sections are impassable because they are submerged in too much water and mud to pedal through and are lined with thick bushes. I did find some promising new trails though. The snowmobile/atv trail network crosses those powerlines and so I hopped onto them. Never having explored those trails I wasn't really sure what I was in for but they ended up being really nice riding.
I'm not sure exactly how far I went, but I am guessing about 12 miles. On the mechanical end of things, these linear pull brakes have got to go. They got so caked full of crap that I had to stop and unpack the snow and leaves from them quite often or the drag would be unreal. I have a set of Hayes 9 Carbon discs in a box waiting to be installed. I'm waiting for some IS to post mount adaptors to come in to mount them up.